From Hugh Welch Diamond to PhotographicActs: Ayres Marques Pinto

Photo-Therapy Day 2019
Royal Photographic Society – Bristol
Symposium: 22 May, Wednesday 10.00 am – 07.00 pm

22 May, Wednesday

From Hugh Welch Diamond to PhotographicActs
Ayres Marques Pinto, Semiologist, “GRIFO” Photo-Therapy Research Group Coordinator, Italy

From Hugh Welch Diamond to PhotographicActs
In the brief lecture at the beginning of the symposium, I will try to contextualize the pioneer work of the Photographer and “avant la lettre” Psychotherapist Dr Hugh Welch Diamond. 

It will be an attempt to establish some parallelisms between the first documented “invention” or rather “discovery” of Photo-Therapy and the PhotographicActs methodology employed in a variety of projects in different environments in Italy.
